Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven (SAB, keyboard, trumpet) This joyous anthem is scored for SAB choir, keyboard and trumpet. It is an excellent choice for smaller choirs and is well-suited for Easter Sunday or any point in Eastertide. Raise your voice as you and your choir share the joy of the Easter season. VIDEO PURCHASE!
An Original Christmas (SAB and keyboard) is a poignant Christmas anthem emphasizing kindness and generosity. This SAB arrangement features a female soloist. Great for smaller choirs! VIDEO PURCHASE!
Angel Carol (SATB, keyboard, and opt. flute) is a lilting new Christmas carol arranged for mixed choir, piano, and flute. It tells the Christmas story through the words of the angels who witness the events leading up to the birth of Christ. VIDEO PURCHASE!
The Bells are Ringing (SATB and keyboard) is a lively Christmas anthem for mixed choir and piano, easily accessible for most mixed choirs and a great way to spice up the Christmas season. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Blessing (SATB and keyboard)is a gentle and inspiring song, ideal for concerts, graduations, memorials, and special music for church. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Blow, Gideon Blow! (SATB a cappella) is a rousing a cappella selection is has the feel of spiritual with a clever text. A swinging arrangement that is appropriate for concert or church. VIDEO PURCHASE
Bread of Heaven (SAB and keyboard) Appropriate as a communion or general anthem, this octavo opens with a soprano solo and features lush SAB harmonies. The perfect anthem for choirs of all sizes and is also available arranged for solo/unison voices. VIDEO PURCHASE
Carol of the Star (SATB and keyboard) is a beautiful Christmas anthem, suitable for mixed choirs of any size, this arrangement features a lovely solo, lush harmonies, and a flowing piano accompaniment. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Choral Introits and Responses Vol. 1. is a collection of 10 choral sentences which includes introits, benedictions, and responses for general use, Advent, and Christmas. These a cappella settings work well for any size ensemble, from quartet to large choir and will add a new and colorful dimension to any church service. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Come to the Table (SAB and keyboard) is a gentle anthem appropriate for communion or general use and is accessible for all mixed choirs….. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Exultate Justi (SATB a cappella) is a lively syncopated setting of Psalm 33. Accessible for all mixed choirs, this selection is excellent as a concert work, anthem, or introit. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Gracious Savior, Hear (SAB, piano, and opt. flute) is a lovely anthem with lush harmonies and a flowing accompaniment. This setting of a Josiah Condor poem is a general anthem that is appropriate for any occasion and accessible for all mixed choirs. VIDEO PURCHASE
Guide My Feet (SATB a cappella) is a dynamic arrangement for a cappella choir. It is rhythmic and lush, and accessible for most mixed choirs………. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Here I Am (SSA and keyboard) gospel-flavored anthem features a catchy tune in a swinging SAA arrangement. Appropriate for treble choir or women’s trio, this octavo is sure to be a favorite of congregation and performers alike. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Is There Room for the Savior? (SATB, piano, and opt. flute) is a poignant anthem presents the Christmas story and asks how it relates to our modern lives, Arranged for mixed choir and piano, it comes with an optional flute part to complete the pastoral setting. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Let Us Hurry to Bethlehem (SATB and piano) is a lively Christmas anthem with bold choral voicings set to a light Latin rhythm. An excellent choice for any mixed choir, large or small. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Let Us Sing for Joy (Two-part and piano) is a jaunty two-part anthem suitable for a treble duet, or for two-part treble or mixed choirs. VIDEO PURCHASE!
O Vos Omnes (TTBB a cappella) is lush, dark setting for Men’s Choir, written in memory of the victims of the shooting at Umpqua Community College on October 1, 2015. VIEW AND LISTEN PURCHASE
Open Wide the Heavenly Gates (SATB and keyboard) Put a little funk in your service with this setting of Psalm 24! Wonderfully rhythmic and accessible for both singers and pianist, this anthem works well for choirs large and small. VIDEO PURCHASE!
Psalm 100 (SATB, piano, and optional handbells) Commissioned for the sesquicentennial celebration at First Presbyterian Church of Roseburg, “Psalm 100” is a rousing anthem for any occasion that is accessible for most mixed choirs. Handbell parts are included with score. “Psalm 100” is also available in SAB voicing. VIDEO PURCHASE
Run to the Empty Tomb (SATB and keyboard w/optional brass) is a rousing Easter anthem that features a syncopated call and response between the choir and the brass. Brass parts are available for brass quintet or trombone quartet with tympani. VIDEO PURCHASE
Sacred Soundbytes (SATB a cappella) tells the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ through first-person quotations taken from the Gospels. These statements weave into a detailed and compelling drama, and are presented in a rich, exciting a cappella vocal setting. A wonderful and challenging selection for church or concert. VIDEO PURCHASE
Sanctus (SATB a cappella) is a marvelously rhythmic setting for SATB a cappella choir suitable for large and small mixed choirs. Sure to be a congregation favorite! VIDEO PURCHASE
Servant No More (SATB and piano) is a gentle, general anthem with a text inspired by John 14 and Ephesians 3. Accessible for most mixed choirs, “Servant No More” is also available in SAB voicing. VIDEO PURCHASE

Call of the Wild Publishing; P.O. Box 381; Oakland, Oregon 97462 sales@callofthewildpub.com